

Thank you for your interest in NOTS. We are a family friendly club catering to those with an interest boating in a social environment. NOTS coordinates approximately 15-20 boating events each year, each with a designated cruise leader, meeting location, and cruise theme. Cruises generally occur on a weekend and start off with a Friday evening potluck style happy hour followed the next day by themed activities and a potluck style dinner. At times it seems we are a foodie club that happens to have an interest in boating.

Membership Details

Membership in NOTS is open to all persons interested in boating and includes the immediate family. The application shall be verified by Membership and submitted to the Board for acceptance. Upon approval the new members shall be introduced at a general meeting or club function and presented with their club burgee, name badge for skipper & first mate, and the club roster. To become a potential member please first read the NOTS Membership Rules, and reach out to our Membership Director to learn more.

Current Fees

  • $100 one-time initiation fee
  • $200 annual dues